Latest Maps

  • Portland Local Businesses - COVID-19 Support
  • Wooden Roller Coasters of the World
  • World’s Best Startup Cities


  • Unlimited Maps

    Unlimited Maps

    Create as many as you like, for all the things you like to discover and enjoy. Keep 'em private or share them with the world.

  • Map Permissions

    Map Permissions

    Add multiple owners to the same map. Choose view/edit permissions just like Google Docs, or make them public.

  • Map Embed

    Map Embed

    Embed your annotated maps on any post or website. Enhance the quality of travel, real estate, or any location based content.

  • Monetize Your Data

    Monetize Your Data

    You control what we collect. When we sell your data, you get a portion of the profits. The more you share, the more you earn. It’s only fair.

In The Spotlight

  • Wanda Maps turns focus to help businesses and consumers through coronavirus
    The startup, which was an online platform for personalized maps with local recommendations, is now putting its efforts into collecting and sharing local information, such as the businesses that are still open and how best to shop at them.
  • 50 Travel Startups To Watch In 2020
    Here are the startups that we think you should keep an eye on in 2020.
    Some have earned a place on the list because they are bold, some are brave, some have a spark we admire and some may turn out to change the face of travel as we know it.
  • In Forbes
    These Startups Plan To Solve Aviation's Big Headaches
    With advances in technology, the way in which airlines manage their products, services and operations is changing at a rapid pace
  • In Medium
    How to build a Wanda map
    After you’ve logged in, click “+ New Map” to start your first map.


PARP Group
Poland Prize
Enterprise Ireland